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Podcast Name: Story Babble

Log Line: Solid Advice About Storytelling (mingled with nonsense)

Short Description: Story Babble is the podcast that talks about the stories we tell – on the big screen, the small screen, the page, or face to face; why Story matters, what makes a good story great, and how to become a better storyteller.

Long Description: In 1979 Mark Arnett and Brian Nissen wrote a class play together. Class plays were usually light and fluffy affairs. Theirs was about death. And cancer. Also eternity. If nothing else they are ambitious. But thus began a life-long conversation about what makes a good story. Brian moved to California and wrote the animated musical The Swan Princess while Mark went on to write and direct the award winning documentary Baby Boomerang.

When Brian moved back to Arizona in 2002 the story conversations resumed. In 2004, they collaborated on a live sketch comedy show called Citrus Valley Playhouse. Their production of The Napolinator won Best Play of 2006 (East Valley Tribune). Today Mark and Brian continue to collaborate on various personal and professional projects. Like Mark’s novel about the letters of the alphabet (true) and Brian’s body building videos (not true). But through it all the conversations about what makes a good story, whether on the the big screen, the small screen, the page, the stage, or face to face, continue. Sure, there are passionate disagreements and less-passionate disagreements, but so much more that they agree on.

Then one day they were told about this thing called podcasts where people sit around talking about stuff they love and record it! Who knew? They instantly put down their abacuses and got to work on storybabbble, a place where you can get solid storytelling advice. Are they the most famous storytellers in the world? Do they know everything there is to know about story? Yes, they are, and yes, they do, because illusions of grandeur is a really important part of wanting to be a storyteller. See, you’re learning stuff already.

So, if you want to know about the three act structure, how to break writer’s block or why you fall asleep when your aunt tells a story, listen in on their conversations. Storybabble is solid writing advice…not pretentious musings about death, cancer, and and eternity. And that’s a good thing.

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If you’re feeling bored and need someone to talk to, we’re here for you. We will listen to your stories and tell you some of our own. Drop us a line.

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